Photo from Sappyfest 2013 of three children looking at a squirrel mascost


I attended Sappyfest from 2010-2015, in 2017 and 2019. I hope to attend again.

A highlight of every summer visit to Sackville has been tabling my comics, zines and prints at the zine/craft fair/market with friends old and new.

In 2015, I performed a comics reading as part of Universal Dawn.

Here are some other Happy Sappy highlights:

Sappyfest Sappy Post comic

I contributed this piece to Sappy Post 2017, with cover art by the great Shary Boyle.

I illustrated the poster for the Zine & Craft Fair in 2019.

In 2019 I also contributed this comic to the Sappy Post.

It's about the tasty, free band food you get if you're an artist at Sappyfest.

Sappyfest Sappy Post comic

From Toronto to Sackville, NB ♡ My one page comic about missing Sappyfest was published in the 2021 Sappy Post.