comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

Jonny's Cycling Thoughts is a 20-page, two colour, limited edition risograph comic printed with Vide Press in 2018.

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comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

comics, cycling, toronto, art, bike, biking

cycling, toronto, art, comics

The back cover copy reads: Let's go for a ride! Join Cartoon Jonny as he sails across Toronto by bicycle, exploring the city along with the physical, mental and spiritual stuff of cycling. Whether contending with the dangers of traffic, freedom of movement—or the meaning of life—Jonny's giving biking some deep, deep thought.